7 Easy Steps: How To Install New Windows

Installing a new Window is actually something that everyone can do. It’s that easy. We installed all the windows in our house ourselves, without any problems. Here we’ll show you 7 easy steps to teach you how to DIY. No need to pay an expert to do it if you can DIY right?

Step 1 Measure And Order Your New Window

The first thing you need to do when you want to change an existing window is of course to order a new window. The measurements need to be exact. You don’t want a window that’s too big, OR too small! Make sure you measure the pocket opening, and order the window a bit smaller than that. Approx. 1 inch/ 2 cm smaller on all sides should be enough. Or you can just measure the old window, and order the same size.

Once your new window has arrived you can go further!

Step 2 Remove The Trim & Your Old Window

First thing you need to do, if you haven’t done it yet, is to remove the trim around your window. Don’t really know how you managed to take correct measurements without seeing your pocket opening, but yeah. If you haven’t removed the trim already- do it now. Both on the inside and the outside. Now you’re ready to remove the old window. But be careful. Is the glass broken? Then you must take extra care when lifting it out, to make sure you don’t cut yourself. Use correct PPE, good gloves and glasses to protect your eyes is a minimum. And make sure you’re two persons when lifting the window out. First unscrew all screws holding the window in place. Then use a sharp knife to cut the old spray foam insulation in the gap between your window and the pocket opening.

Step 3 Prepare The Opening

You should try to keep the time when you have a big open whole in your house to a minimum. You never know if it will start to rain. Once the old window is out, check the opening and remove all pieces still sitting there. Like old insulation and foam. Make sure there are no damages to the opening.

Dry fit your new window to make sure it fits. First you need to put wedges on the lower part of the pocket opening. Lift it up and place the lower part of the window in first. Then carefully push the upper part in. Have one person standing outside to make sure the window doesn’t fall out. Or just place a piece of wood on the outside corners to prevent your window from falling out, like this ;

When you’re happy with the position of the window, you should pre-drill holes for the screws. Once that’s done, take the window back in again.

Step 4 Install Your New Window

Place the lower part of your new window on the wedges and gently push the upper part in. Again, you should have someone on the outside to help hold the window. If you haven’t placed pieces of wood to hold it. Make sure you centre the window in the pocket opening. Add wedges also on the sides to keep the window in place. Now you need to check that the window is plumb and level. If it’s not, push the wedges further in or out until all sides are level. Also make sure that it’s centred in the middle of the pocket opening. Then you’re ready to drive screws into your pre-drilled holes. Do one on each side at the time, to make sure you don’t pull the whole window with you. Check that the window still is level once you’re finished.

Step 5 Add Spray Foam Insulation

Window sealing tape must  be in place on the outside first. You want to make sure that no cold air can snick in on the sides of your window. Fill it all up with spray foam insulation from the inside. But, make sure that you don’t buy a type that expands too much. In worst case, it can expand so much that your whole window shifts. 

Step 6 Add Trim Outside & Inside

You’re now ready to frame your window, and add trim both on the inside and the outside. You can either buy new wood, or re-use the wood that you removed from your old window. Then you just need to removed the trim carefully not to damage it. Sand the pieces down. And give them a fresh coat of paint. 

Step 7 Paint Your Window

Final step! Paint the trim on your new window the same colour as the rest of your windows, to match the rest of your house.

Will you try to change your window without help from a professional? You totally can! Ask us if you need more advice. And please, please let us see your result!