Do You Dream Of Quitting Your 9-5 Job? These 5 Strategies Will Help You Get There!

Do you dream of quitting your job and follow your dream instead? Do you want to create a different life? Do you have the guts to do what is needed? If yes, then read these tips bellow to learn how you can.

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Decide what you want

You want to quit your job. But what is it you actually want to do with your life? Before you quit there are some steps you need to go through. You need to decide what you want. Make a list with pros and cons. You need to determine if your dream can be possible to achieve. Do you want to start your own company and be your own boss? Then you need to understand that you’ll need to work hard. Like REALLY hard. Do you want to travel the world? Start doing house renovations? Or start a food blog? It doesn’t really matter. You need to decide. You need to believe in it. And you need to be pretty damn shore that you can make a living out of it. Set goals for your business straight away for the next 3, 6 and 12 months. If you haven’t started to make money by then, you’re doing something wrong and something must be changed.

Save & work hard for it

Once you’ve decided what you want to do, you need to start preparing. You can’t just quit without having prepared for it. First of all, you need to have saved up money to do this. Your dream will cost you. And living costs will still needed to be paid. This means that you need to work hard, and save as much as possible for a while before you can quit. If you can begin your dream as a part time thing, that will be the best. Then you’ll still have an income from your job, and can work in your free time to get your dream up and running. This’ll be a time where you have very full days managing both your job and starting up your business. But if you really want it, you can do it.

When you’re ready, JUST DO IT

Your plan is working and you’ve started to earn something on your business. You earn so much that you can afford to live without your old income. Now you can start to think about actually quitting your job. When you’re ready – JUST DO IT. It’s impossible to say how long time it’ll take before you’re ready. That depends on how much time you’ve been able to put in, and how fast your business is growing. Don’t rush and quit too fast, that will put you in a difficult situation. Be sure you’re 100% ready to quit before you do it.

Make the best of it

You’ve quit your job and are focusing all your energy on your business. But it might not be as you’d expected. It will be hard work and difficult at times. At this time, it’s very important to stay positive. Make the best of every day. Appreciate the freedom of being your own boss. Work hard, but set working hours to not burn out. If you do the right things, you’ll slowly see your business grow. 


After three months, six months and after one year you should evaluate your business. Did you manage to reach your goals? Are you making money? If the answer is yes, then you’re going in the right direction. If the answer is no you need to change something to make it work. 

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